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Thursday, February 28, 2013

How to Make Love Last

When singles dream about being in love and in a relationship, they seldom dream of getting together with a partner for a few months or years, only to break up and go on to find another partner. They're looking for that one person that'll last their lifetime.
And, for those of us in relationships -- even in relationships that may be experiencing turbulence -- hope we can be in our relationship for a lifetime as well. We hope we can find a way to work out our difficulties and make our love last.There is a way to have love and passion that lasts a lifetime, but the road there is not easy and requires courage and
perseverance. Actually, the road to a lifetime of love requires many things and many ways of being that are extraordinary. Here are some things you must do to create a lasting love:
1. Reframe How You Look at Relationships
Most of us think a relationship is OK when it's working and we're happy. Once the relationship encounters difficulties, however, we think it may be a mistake. The truth is that having tough times is normal. In fact, when you begin to encounter those rough patches, you know your relationship is reaching a deeper level.
2. Learn to Speak Up
We're not trained to speak up when our feelings are hurt, when we're angry or when we don't like what's going on. Rather, we are trained to look the other way, to suppress our feelings, to let the situation blow over. But if we don't speak up when our feelings arise, they'll fester in our minds and hearts and cause resentments, which in turn will cause us to distance and shut out our partner. There's no way around this -- you must deal with your feelings, no matter how subtle, or they'll eat away at your relationship.


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