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Thursday, February 13, 2014

20 Essential Facts Dog Lovers Must Always Remember

These life lessons are sometimes easy to forget in our hectic lives, but when you remember that you are your dog’s whole world, these 20 truths are unforgettable.

1. Don’t ignore me for too long. I may only live for 10 to 15 years. It seems like forever when you’re away from me and it hurts my heart when I don’t know where you are.

2. Take me to new places to meet friendly people and animals. I might be frightened of them at first, but if you hold my paw through these new experiences, I’ll learn to be more confident and trusting of others. I really do love to meet new friends.

Friday, February 7, 2014

People that You Must Not Have Sex With

1. Someone else’s significant other.
You would think this goes without saying, but it’s surprising just how many people can’t seem to get this when in the heat of the moment and presented with a sexy little piece who just happens to be attached. The desire can be overwhelming, and you can even manage to convince yourself that their current SO isn’t good for them or isn’t what they really need but SPOILER ALERT: That isn’t your choice to make. If they are really unhappy in their relationship, it’s up to them to do the decent thing and get themselves out of it before they go frolicking through the genitalia forest with impunity. Nothing good comes from being the Other Person, and it makes you kind of a terrible person (no matter how good the sex is.)

2. Your roommate.

Do not, I repeat, do not, bone the roommate. I have witnessed


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