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Friday, March 1, 2013

Nurturing Your Relationship During Tough Times

When the going gets tough, how do you maintain and sustain relationship without jumping outside to get away from your partner.

The best way to avoid an obstacle in the road is to recognize it in advance. That said, here are three potential partnership challenges and some ways to survive them.
The Tragedy Continues
The world is in chaos. And, unfortunately, your partnership doesn't have a magic force field against the emotional strain of war and loss.
Though everyone reacts differently, you may have

Thursday, February 28, 2013

How to Make Love Last

When singles dream about being in love and in a relationship, they seldom dream of getting together with a partner for a few months or years, only to break up and go on to find another partner. They're looking for that one person that'll last their lifetime.
And, for those of us in relationships -- even in relationships that may be experiencing turbulence -- hope we can be in our relationship for a lifetime as well. We hope we can find a way to work out our difficulties and make our love last.There is a way to have love and passion that lasts a lifetime, but the road there is not easy and requires courage and

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Healthy Love is the Perfect Antidote To Stress

"What happens in the brain when you love someone is that there's more activity in the 'reward' system," explains Dr. Helen Fisher, a physical anthropologist who studies the neurohormonal phenomena of love and is a research professor at Rutgers University. "Your brain floods with dopamine, which gives you focus, energy and optimism and those things can all be good to counter stress."

As Fisher explains, romantic love can provide something of a loop: as you fall in love, your dopamine levels surge, which in turn contributes to testosterone production. More testosterone is linked to increased sex drive. And sexual release has a particularly healthful effect, Fisher says, delivering oxygen to the brain and other organs.

Dos and Don'ts if you decide that casual sex after divorce is right for you.

1. Be honest. Explore your innermost reasons for wanting to engage in casual sex as well as what that means to you. You may prefer just a quick roll in the hay with no real conversation, or you may want a partner that spends time communicating with you about other mutual interests. Cuddling afterwards is optional.
2. Be straightforward. Show respect to your partner. You need to be confident enough to tell your partner exactly what you do and do not want in the relationship. Let it be known that either of you can terminate the relationship without explanation or hard feelings.
3. Be realistic. This relationship is temporary and it will end. Know that you have opted for this arrangement for pleasure. If feelings get in the way, you may need to look at yourself. This relationship will not likely grow into a long-term relationship.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Do you agree that distance relationship is better?

A new study shows that couples who are living apart are happier in their relationship than couples that live together, and they also feel more committed and less trapped. When you live apart, you actively work on commitment and trust; it's never taken for granted. You have time for yourself. And because sex whenever you want it isn't as available to you as it is when you live with someone, you don't let too many opportunities to actually have it pass you by.

The statement from the abstract of the study as it shown below support it;


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