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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ideas About Loving Each Other.

  • A loving relationship is a choice partnership. Loving someone in which even imperfection is seen as possibility and, therefore, a thing of beauty; where discovery, struggle and acceptance are the basis of continued growth and wonderment.
  • A loving relationship is one of which individuals trust each other enough to become vulnerable, secure that the other person won't take advantage. It either exploits nor takes the other for granted. I t involves much communication, much sharing, and much tenderness.
  • A loving relationship is one in which the individuals involved grow in their understanding and loving acceptance of each other's differences and encourages each person to reach out and share as much beauty and love as is possible to find.
  • A loving relationship is one of which you accept the other person at the moment as a whole and receive that same acceptance.
  • A loving relationship is one of which the distinction of personal rights, possessions, thoughts, emotions and even actions become blurred, and it doesn't matter, because we share as much as in humanly possible with the same ultimate goals.


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