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Monday, December 9, 2013

How does Son and Daughter thinks about Dad

At 4 years....:My Dad is great!
At 6 years....:My Daddy knows everything.
At 10 years.....: My Daddy is good but he is short tempered.
At 12years....: My Daddy was nice to me when I was young.
At 16 years.....: My Daddy is not in line with the current times. Frankly he does not know anything.
At 18 years...: My Daddy is becoming increasingly cranky and unreasonable.
At 20 years....: Oh! It is becoming difficult to tolerate Daddy! Wonder how Mother puts up with him!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Ways to Communicate with Respect

What does a respectful living look like? Here are 25 ways you can communicate respect to your spouse without uttering a word.
    Choose Joy
    It’s true: A happy wife makes a happy life. Please don’t use moodiness as an attempt to manipulate your man, but in all things rejoice, because that’s the right thing to do. (1 Thessaonians 5:16; Philippians 4:4)
    Honor His Wishes
    Give weight to what your husband thinks is important. Make those things a priority that matter most to him, whether it’s having dinner


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