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Friday, October 14, 2011

With You in a Loving Relationship

Most of us have never felt compelled to examine our relating and explore that we feel, what we say, what we do, affects it. It is imperative that this is done. Our relationship influence our mental health, our role in society and the family, our friends and lovers, and the groups to which we belong.

It is interesting to note how easy and very human it is to put off such challenging concepts as love and relationships as being natural phenomena which will take care of themselves and which require no real serious

In a relationship that you are involved, try to experience and feel it, not only in joy but through thick and thin. Never move out when things get out of tune, instead, go together with respect to each other and fulfill what you've promise to each other.

It's obvious and rather exciting that, as with all things, we define our own relationships. What is important is not so much what the definition includes, but what it is defined in our mind and agreed upon by the individuals forming the relationship. For some, a relationship will require total honesty, trust and commitment. For others a less restrictive involvement will be essential. It would be well to think about the constellation of possibilities suggested when we say "Come into my life. I love you."


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